Have Monster, Will Travel

Thank You + Have Monster, Will Travel LIVE!

Queen City Flash Season 1

Have Monster, Will Travel LIVE!

"Episode 1: The Aghast! Menagerie"
Plus a Brand-new Halloween Special ... "Creature Feature!"

Monday, October 14, 2024 @ 7:00pm
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park
962 Mt Adams Cir.
Cincinnati, OH 45202

For Tickets:

About the Event

From Queen City Flash comes a live double-feature performance of their Audio Drama Podcast, Have Monster, Will Travel. Perfect for fans and newcomers alike, this performance includes Episode 1: The Aghast! Menagerie, along with a brand-new Halloween Special, Creature Feature, a part remake, part parody of a schlocky, pulpy 1950s horror movie, set in the Have Monster universe.

But Not Just A Live Show ... Stickers!

As a thank you for sticking with us, we'd like to send you a sticker of Render from our newly-updated cover art, drawn by our own Jordan Trovillion! Send an email to queencityflash@gmail.com with your address and we'll drop one in the mail for you!

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Cover Art by Jordan Trovillion


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Rate and Review: https://bio.site/havemonsterwilltravel

Connect with us on twitter and instagram: @queencityflash
Contact info: queencityflash@gmail.com


From the Creators of Have Monster, Will Travel:

ZOiNKS! - Meet Nolan Blackwell, Teen Sleuth - Girl Detective, and her dog Casper. Nolan has a love of all things Nancy Drew and Encyclopedia Brown. Casper has a penchant for mischief.

But not all mysteries are hardbound and soon Nolan Blackwell will have to uncover clues and stare down dangers that threaten to reveal more about her past than she may be ready to confront.

Fans of Nancy Drew and Scooby Doo will delight in this hilarious, opioid-fueled dive into the world of latch-key children and the haunted, dangerous places that meddling leads.

CW - ZOiNKS! contains mature language and themes of addiction and neglect.


Hi everybody. Trey here, coming to you today with some super fun news. But first, a big thank you. As you know, after four years of sporadic releases, we have finally finished season one of half monster will travel. And while it was never our intention to take this long, we are so deeply grateful to those of you who have stuck around and come back again and again to this silly, goofy story about best friends doing kind things for strangers. And to show our appreciation, we have something for you. But before we get to that, I wanted to let you know that we are prepping our first live show. Queen City Flash is based out of Cincinnati, Ohio, where we are very proud to be resident artists at, ah, Cincinnati Playhouse in the park. As part of this residency, the Playhouse gives us access to their amazing facilities and staff so we can do cool things. Monday, October 14, 2024 at


00 p.m. we will be performing have Monster will travel live at Cincinnati Playhouse in the park. Tickets are $10 and you can find a link for the event in our show notes. We'll be performing our very first episode, the aghast, menagerie, as well as a brand new Halloween special called creature feature. It'll be a part remake, part parody of a schlocky, pulpy 1950 horror movie set in the have monster universe. And finally, a gift for you. When we decided last August that it was time to dig back in and finish season one, we knew we wanted it to feel really special. We asked some of our favorite actors from past episodes to come back and play alligators. We started remastering old episodes so that they would sound like the newer ones. And Jordan Trevilian, who plays Riley, came up with brand new cover art for us featuring this really cool new look for rendered. Well, we've turned her render silhouette into a, hip looking sticker, and we want to send them to you as a way of saying thank you for sticking by us. You can check out our Instagram ecityflash to see what they look like. They're pretty great, and they look awesome on water bottles and computers. If you'd like one, send us an email eecityflashmail uh.com comma. Give us your address and I'll drop one in the mail for you. So big thanks. Live show October 14 free stickers, all that can be found in the show notes. We'll see you again real soon with more episodes of have monster will travel and as they say, we're renders from. Wait a minute, why is that wolf creature wearing Roderick's Letterman jacket? You fiend what have you done with my son?

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